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Windows Xp Coccinelle Iso

Windows XP Coccinelle ISO: What is it and how to get it?

Windows XP Coccinelle was a project that aimed to update and enhance Windows XP with various modules and features. It was created by a French community of Windows XP enthusiasts, led by, who called themselves "coccinautes". In this article, we will explain what Windows XP Coccinelle was, how it worked, and where you can find its ISO files.

What was Windows XP Coccinelle?

Windows XP Coccinelle (in its version 4) was a modular update kit for all unmodified French editions of Windows XP, with or without Service Pack. This kit revolved around a program, the cocci-kit, which was responsible for updating Windows XP in advance to save time during OS re-installations. Windows XP Coccinelle v4 did not provide any copy of Windows XP, it was your own CD that served as the basis for this update, each one continued to use their personal license key. The cocci-kit worked with updatable modules. A module consisted of a set of files encapsulated in an archive. There were 36 (+ 1 special) of them and they shared the different types of updates that could be done on Windows XP. These modules were all hosted on the XP Coccinelle file server and although different, they formed an inseparable whole that made the XP Coccinelle recipe. No module was encrypted, and the scripts were simple batch files. It was also possible to create your own module.

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But Windows XP Coccinelle was above all an IT community in love with Windows XP, gathered from October 2005 to 2011 around a forum that had peaked at nearly 30,000 members, the "coccinautes". The vagaries of life and the disaffection of XP for Windows 7 had however forced me to review my priorities, even if I never forgot this little family. Despite everything, a few years later, very precisely on April 26, 2015, the nostalgic of this era came back to the charge and suggested the idea of a Windows Coccinelle focused on Windows 7. On October 3 of the same year, under pressure from these fans, I decided to put the cover back and launch the 7Cocci project, natural evolution of XP Coccinelle. But the motivation was no longer there and the project never came to fruition.

How to get Windows XP Coccinelle ISO?

If you are interested in trying out Windows XP Coccinelle, you can find some of its ISO files on the Internet Archive website. For example, you can download the [Windows XP Coccinelle 3.0] or the [XPProCoccinelle[v1.0]_XPSP2+_10-10-2005] ISO files from there. However, be aware that these files are not official or supported by Microsoft or, and they may contain bugs or malware. Use them at your own risk and make sure you have a backup of your data before installing them.

Alternatively, you can also try to create your own Windows XP Coccinelle ISO by following the instructions on the [ website], where you can find the cocci-kit program and the modules to customize your Windows XP installation. However, this method may not work anymore as some of the links may be broken or outdated.


Windows XP Coccinelle was a unique and innovative project that aimed to improve and personalize Windows XP with various modules and features. It was created by a passionate French community of Windows XP lovers who wanted to keep their favorite OS alive and updated. Unfortunately, the project ended in 2011 due to lack of interest and support from Microsoft and However, some of its ISO files are still available on the Internet Archive website for those who want to try it out or relive some nostalgia.




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